Milan & Chinese Vase Bundle


Milan is one of our bestsellers for a reason. This cheerful flower bouquet bursts with warm, refreshing shades of pink and red, capturing the essence of a summer day. With pink Blossoms, Tulips, Anemones, and Gloriosa, it embodies the vibrancy of the season.

A porcelain replica of the vibrant blue Chinese ginger pots, adorned with a striking bird motif. This exquisite piece adds an element of traditional elegance to any space, evoking the rich cultural heritage of China. Each vase is unique, hand-painted, and crafted in fine porcelain.

Dimensions: The dimensions of this bouquet are approximately 65 cm in height and 65 cm in width. The vase measures 28 cm in height and 27 cm in width, with a neck width of 9 cm.

*All stems of the artificial flowers are bendable, allowing you to adjust their length to fit into various vases. The provided dimensions are based on the bouquet arranged in the depicted vase (see images).


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